Champion Electric Commences 2024 Phase II Drilling at Quebec Lithium Project, James Bay Territory

Champion Electric Metals
August 26, 2024
Champion Electric Commences 2024 Phase II Drilling at Quebec Lithium Project, James Bay Territory

Toronto, ON – August 26, 2024 – Champion Electric Metals Inc. (CSE: LTHM; OTCQB: GLDRF; FSE:

1QB0) (“Champion Electric” or the "Company") is pleased to announce commencement of core

drilling at the Western Prospect of the Quebec Lithium Project in the heart of the Eeyou Istchee James

Bay territory (see Fig. 1).

The Company plans to drill up to 1,500 metres in the 2024 Phase II program to further test

spodumene-bearing pegmatite dikes intersected in Phase I drill holes EIQ24-007 and -008 and

identified in recent trench exposures (see Figure 2). Initial drilling will focus on a 700 metre-long

segment of the recently reported 1,700-metre glacial dispersal train of spodumene-bearing boulders.

Additionally, the team will collect a 50 kg sample of spodumene mineralization in pegmatite for

metallurgical testing. RJLL Drilling is the drilling contractor with on-site project supervision by

GeoVector Management, Inc.

“In the 2024 field season, our geologists have collected 157 systematic channel samples from twelve

trenches at the Western Prospect. Further, our exploration team has taken 9 outcrop and 46 float

samples along with a further 51 till samples across the length of the tenement,” commented

President and CEO Jonathan Buick. “All surface samples have been submitted for laboratory

analysis and we now transition to drill testing our exploration concepts. We anticipate positive

analytical results from surface sampling starting in early September and continuing to the end of the


Champion Electric invites shareholders, potential investors, and stakeholders to follow the

Company’s social media pages for ongoing photo updates of the spring field program.

Facebook: ChampionLTHM

Twitter/X: @Championlthm

LinkedIn: championelectricmetals\

Sampling techniques and QA/QC

At the drill rig, the driller's helper places core samples into boxes, marking every 3 meters with

wooden blocks. Once full, the boxes are wrapped with fiber tape and transported daily to the

core shack. At the shack, technicians remove the tape, place the boxes on logging tables, and

geologists align the core to display a cross-sectional view. They verify the distances marked on

the wooden blocks and measure core meterage, labeling the boxes accordingly. RQD is

measured and recorded by geologists or technicians, with any breaks under 10 cm noted and

uploaded into the database.

Geologists use Geospark software to log lithological, alteration, mineralization, and structural

data into the database. Samples, typically 1.0-1.5 meters outside mineralized areas, are

selected, marked, and tagged. After logging, wet core photographs are taken, and the core is

stored in racks until cutting. The core is then halved; one half is sent to the lab, and the other

half is kept as a reference sample. The core box is then moved to outdoor storage.

For surface channel sampling, geologists collected samples from saw-cut channels in bedrock,

recording locations with GPS. Samples were bagged, organized, and transported to Actlabs in

Val d’Or, Quebec. Certified standards and blanks were inserted regularly as part of QA/QC

protocols, with secure custody maintained until lab delivery.

Qualified Person

Dr. Eric Hebert, P.Geo., Senior Geological consultant, is a member (#0842) of the Ordre des

Géologues du Québec (OGQ) and a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument

43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this press release.

Further, proximity to projects containing lithium resources offers no assurance that the rock types

or resources reported by Patriot Battery Metals, Winsome, and others will extend onto the

Project; nor should such proximity be assumed to imply similarity to mineralization and results

reported by other companies in the district.

About Champion Electric Metals Inc.

Champion Electric is a discovery-focused exploration company that is committed to advancing

its highly prospective lithium properties in Quebec, Canada and cobalt properties in Idaho,

United States. In addition, the Company owns the Baner gold project in Idaho County and the

Champagne polymetallic project in Butte County near Arco.

The Company’s shares trade on the CSE under the trading symbol “LTHM”, on the OTCQB

under the trading symbol “GLDRF”, and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol

“1QB0”. Champion Electric strives to be a responsible environmental steward, stakeholder and

contributing citizen to the local communities where it operates, taking its social license seriously,

employing local community members and service providers at its operations whenever possible.


“Jonathan Buick”

Jonathan Buick, President and CEO

To learn more, please visit the Company’s SEDAR profile at or the Company’s

corporate website at

For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations and Communications

Phone: (416) 567-9087


Cautionary Statements

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its regulation services provider has reviewed or accepted responsibility for the

adequacy or accuracy of this press release. This press release may include forward-looking information within the meaning of

Canadian securities legislation, concerning the business of the Company. Forward-looking information is based on certain key

expectations and assumptions made by management of the Company, including closing of the Transactions and the prospectivity of

the Projects for lithium. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking

information is based on are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because the

Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are

made as of the date of this press release. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking

information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, other than as required by applicable

securities laws.

The Projects are at an early stage of exploration, and the Company cautions that the qualified persons who have reviewed and

approved this news release have not verified scientific or technical information produced by third parties,

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